Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Much Ado About Doctor Who

Lately I've found myself more than a little addicted to the BBC sci-fi classic Doctor Who. This started as a way to fill the void that the end of SG1 left me with, but has ended up as something greater. While I am not the foremost expert on the Doctor, I am a becoming quite the die hard fan, and I think I have figured out why. The Doctor is, short of the main Man Himself, the most Christlike figure I've ever seen on the telly.

When I began watching with the ninth Doctor I had been informed by many on that wonderful database of unbiased opinion: the internet, that the 10th is far and away the best. With this in mind I actually tried to resist David Tennant's charms at first. After all, I adored Christopher Ecclestons performance, and wanted to believe he would remain my favorite steadfast. In short, I was wrong. As a note, this article will focus on the 10th Doctor, as Russell T Davies stepped down with Tennant. The show feels a bit different with Matt Smith and Steven Moffat, but that is a discussion for another day.

Many years ago I used to participate in an activity called "Jesus at the Movies" it was a past-time started by my dear friend/pastor/father-figure/allaroundgreatguy Chad. Basically what we did was watch movies and then talk about them and where within them we saw Christ-like imagery (No, not literally pictures of Jesus... Ideas, themes). This has stuck with me, it's amazing how often one can come across these "Ghosts", ideals left imprinted in the very core of art and expression. Whether you believe it is Jesus, or just good nature, they are there.

In my mind the tenth Doctor is conjured alongside some of the greatest apologists in our history. Please, allow me to indulge with my nerdy muses.

Rose: [You can't go out there] Doctor, they've got guns.
The Doctor: And I haven't. Which makes me the better person, don't you think? They can shoot me dead but the moral high ground is mine.

One of the most noticeable and admirable traits of the Doctor is his dedication to non-violent resolution. Above that, he offers mercy to those that most would say do not deserve it. When he comes across a problem he always has to give them a choice. This was incredibly clear in the episode "The Poison Sky" in which at the end *SPOILERS* the Doctor could transport an atmospheric bomb onto the Sentaren ship and save the earth, but he doesn't. He can't do that, he has to go in person so he can give them a choice.

The Doctor has traveled far and wide, but one thing that Tennant portrays perfectly is his love for humanity. He has seen so much of us, literally the darkest we can be, but he still loves us. The Doctor will always go on about how magnificent the human race is. *MAJOR SPOILERS* In the episode "The End of Time pt.2" the Doctor is placed to finally "die" and he has to make the decision whether or not to sacrifice himself. He doesn't want to, and even dear old Wilfred is telling him not to, that he's an old man. In a moment that resembles Christs prayer in the garden of Gethsemane the Doctor paces the room, not wanting to die, but in the end he tells Wilf that it would be his honor.

This is the only video I could find of 10's death. The only difference is that Murray Goldman's epic score is replaced by Placebo... So I apologize for that, but the power is still there. This scene breaks my heart every time I watch it. Not because I adore David Tennant (well, not entirely because...) it is something else, something beyond the face value of this incredibly powerful moment. People tend to forget that, whether or not you believe He was God aside, Jesus did exist, and He was executed in a terrible and painful way. Personally I do believe that He is who He said, and that His sacrifice saved me, and that there is nothing I could ever do to deserve that grace. As silly as it sounds, that video above reminds me of that.

There are many other small examples; the Doctor's name is significant as a healer, he always seeks to do good and loves those that follow suit, he has two hearts, oh and he fought the devil that one time. On a bit of a darker note, death follows the doctor. No one said life with Christ would be easy, and if they did they were lying... ironic I suppose. Sometimes even I can get disillusioned to who Christ is. We live in a society (Speaking here to my American readers) that the popular image of Jesus is that of a staunch conservative, with a gun in one hand and the deserving few and wealthy embraced in his other arm. This is not right. Jesus did not kill, He loved. That is my Jesus, a man of joy and a man with the weight of all the sin of the world on His shoulders. A man who time means nothing to, and who humanity means everything. My Jesus is Lord, and a bit TimeLord.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Enslaved: Odyssey to the- Wait, What?

I find it quite astonishing how many people I speak to who have no idea what Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is. Even my friends that skim game sites on a daily basis weren't in the know (save for a a select few). In hindsight though this speaks to reason as the lackluster sales of Enslaved has dashed the hopes of a sequel ever seeing the light of day. The news came from the studio itself (Ninja Theory) who are currently hard at work on the Devil May Cry reboot/prequel. The news made me sad, so I decided to finally sit down and record my thoughts about Enslaved.

Enslaved, to me, is a fantastic example of a strong linear narrative in an interactive medium. Keep in mind that I do not use linear here as a negative, just don't come into this game expecting emergent storytelling. There, now that I've got the pretentious explanation out of the way I can get on to the good stuff. The characters and the world they inhabit are simply stunning. This game has incredible art direction. It takes the drab apocalypse and turns it into a fab apocalypse! The lush, colorful environments are a welcome change to the games I've been playing lately.

The story is loosely based on the Eastern classic Journey to the West (in about the same way the first Resident Evil movie was based on Alice in Wonderland). It ends up being fairly broad in its scope and execution, or at least more so than I thought it would be. Basically, I went into this thinking it would be Escape From New York, but it ended up being more along the lines of, say, Visions of Escaflowne.

The characters are strong, which they should be, as there are only three. The performances tend to avoid the uncanny valley and would at times elicit the occasional emotional response. This was a wonderful treat seeing as I had just finished playing Oblivion in which the grand total of characters I had an emotional attachment to was zero. In fact is was probably somewhere deep in the negatives because I actively hated many of the people in Oblivion...

The actual game play mechanics is where some say the Enslaved falters. The staff swinging and shooting of monkey can be a bit wonkey at times, but it remains enjoyable for the most part. Sometimes platforming can get frustrating as jumping is irritatingly context sensitive.

In the end I would certainly recommend this title. In fact I would love it if the Enslaved got a large, noticeable boost in used sales, making it financially viable to make a sequel. I'll admit, there's not much here in the way of "games as art" other than just being a fun game, but that's not a bad thing. I think back on my time with Enslaved like a good book, one I will certainly revisit later because of the vibrant art direction and enjoyable characters. Anything I'm willing to play twice can at the very least be considered a good game... or at least an okay game... well by any means it's certainly a game.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Oblivion Journal: Entry III

It has been a while since my last entry, I've lost count of the days. I've been instructed by Jaufree to get as many Allies as possible to protect Martin the Bastard... I'll get around to it eventually.

A man rode past me on a horse so I killed him out of instinct, seems he was just a messenger. Looks like I'm growing an entire garden of oopsie daisies.

Killed some more people on the road, they attacked me first... I seem to have developed a sniffle, I should get some rest before I get sick!

hmmm.... turns out rest was a bad idea, I'm a Vampire now... Not exactly sure how but no matter, I spoke to a guy who told me about a guy that knows where a guy is with a cure!

Day ???

Whoa, not a guy with the cure, but she could have fooled me. This witch wants me to find a bunch of crap, shouldn't be an issue for the HERO OF KVATCH.

Day ???

Like I said before, not an issue, got all the junk. All that's left now is to turn it all in.

hmmm... The witch is just staring at me blankly when I try to hand her my neatly trimmed Blood Grass. Perhaps if I try shooting it at her with my bow.

Well the message got across, but not the one I wanted. Had to kill the witch. She didn't think much of it when she got back up... but she still won't make me the potion... bitch...

Day ???

Sunlight burns the flesh... I hate being a vampire... Oh well, I have my a mission! Get aids!

Day sevntythree

Found a lovely little town, and they said they'll send aid to Bruma if I close that pesky Oblivion Gate outside! No problem citizens! I can't wait to see what unique and diverse situations I'll encounter gathering aid for to protect the Martin!

Day Atey

Found another village! Looks like they need a me to close an Oblivion Gate! Off I go!

Day 81

At another Town, sounds like they've got an Oblivion Gate problem! Third times the charm!

Day 82

Hmmm... there seems to be a rash of these Oblivion things... Guess I'll shut this one down too so they can send aids

Day 83


Day 84

Guess what I did today...

Day 85

This better be the last one....

Day 86

Commence hair pulling....

Day nineD

at last! I have gathered all my allies! Now to take the fight to the man... whos name I've forgotten

Day whatever

I'm sick of being a vampire, it has left me quite bitter...

Accidentally killed guard after we opened an Oblivion GREAT balls of Gate, they tried to arrest me... had to kill like eight guards... I almost feel bad. Almost.

This day

Decided to travel to the big city. A guard tried to arrest me, blood filled the streets.

Day Day

Being a vampire has made me incredibly bitter, I will kill anyone one at the drop of a hat, YOU SHOULD HAVE FIXED THE GLITCH BETHESDA. NOW ALL WILL SUFFER.

Day the last day

Well all hell broke loose, I killed some demons then the emporer bastard Martin turned into a dragon and killed the bad thing. Whoop-de-freakin-doooo. They made soem armor for me apparently, but I can't pick it up for two weeks. I will fill those two weeks with the blood of the innocent.

I am still a vampire. I am sad.