Monday, December 20, 2010

Top 5 Movies of 2010

Spurred on by a random question of the week (thanks Pedro) I decided to do a little end of the year article on my top 5 movies of 2010. This is easier than top 5 games, because I go out to the movies a lot, but I don't really play games the year they come out, so I'd be more apt to do a "Top 5 Games of 2009 or 2008ish... or 2005". So without further ado here is The Worlds Worst Critic's Top 5 Movies of 2010!

5. Shutter Island

Martin Scorsese is a fantastic director. Lauded by the like of Robert Ebert he changes things up a bit for Shutter Island. The slightly fantastic and mind messing elements of this film are great, it's Scorsese doing the modern "artsy" approach and it works well. This movie provided a fantastic sense of paranoia and had a great payoff. The last line has an eerie resonance and what is akin to a wink and a nod. This is a perfect blend of old hollywood and new, well worth a watch.

4. Jackass 3D

You can read my review for this film here. To sum it all up, this film rises above its immature aspects to become something wholly unique. It is about friendship, it gives words and images to something almost indefinable. While not for everyone this was probably the biggest surprise of the year for me. If you have a strong constitution I highly recommend it.

3. Toy Story 3

Seeing as a PIxar film was my favorite movie last year it's not to hard to imagine why Toy Story 3 is on this years list. Simply put it is beautiful, not only in how it looks, but how it brings to end a story I (and most of you) grew up with. It's exciting and touching, it amazes me that pixar can bring out more emotion in a group of toys than most movies can with real world subjects. The end of this film will have you in tears, assuming you have a heart that is.

2. Inception

I wanted to give Inception my top spot, but it got beat out ever so slightly. This movie is amazing. The plot is NOT convoluted or overwrought (as some would say), it's easy enough to follow and the description alone should have you clamoring to see it. Again, like in all my top 5 it is the subtle aspects of the film I enjoy the most. Yes there are grandiose dreamscape action sequences and a plot about being in a dream in a dream in a dream and so on. There is also subtlety though, in a way that shows what regret can do to a man, and what love is. If you haven't seen this film yet, please do. The ending will definitely have you talking.

1. Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

I am a nerd. If you read my blog you probably know that, I just wanted to make it clear that Scott Pilgrim is Nerdvana. It is single handedly not only a perfect graphic novel adaption, but also a fantastic video game movie. That's right, despite not being based on a video game it seems to defy (or transcend) genre logic and become a game movie, only it's good (and the game for the movie was good too). Directed by a personal favorite of mine Edgar Wright (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead) the editing is fast and furious and the dialogue takes center stage. This movie may have underperformed at the box office, but rest assured, it is still an epic of epic epicness.

So there you have it, my top 5 movies of 2010. Inception has a game in the works and I positively can't wait for it. If you were wondering my top pick for movies in 2009 was "Up" and my pick for 2008 was "Brothers Bloom". I insist you watch both, they will make you a better person. The holiday season is in full swing so I hope everyone is staying safe. I'll be back to report on all the awesome games my wife gets me!

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