I liked Dead Space, a lot. That game was right up my alley. You see, one of my favorite type of film is "Space Paranoids". Something that takes place in space, (or in some cases deep in the ocean) on a derelict ship or planet. I don't know why, I just really enjoy films of that variety. Dead Space, in that regard, is like a love letter to me. So of course I should be excited for a sequel, right?
Well I was until EA came up with this schlock:
That's right, your mom hates Dead Space 2, how edgy. Thanks EA, I already knew that. I love my mother dearly so I would never even think to subject her to watching footage from Dead Space. Yet EA thinks it's funny to sit women down under false pretense and show them graphically disturbing imagery. Would it have been funny if they were forced to watch fornication? or real life violent acts?
Who at EA thought this was a good idea? I honestly can't believe this was put out. It really grinds my gears that some ad exec at Electronic Arts is patting him or herself on the back right now. "How edgy!" they must be saying. The only edge in that commercial was the one some poor unsuspecting mother saw a Necromorph get impaled by. I know there are those among the game playing public that will find this hilarious but please understand; This was not a creepy crawlers commercial. The mothers weren't pretending to be grossed out by fake bugs, they were tricked and shown disturbing material. That's just not right.
So Happy New Year EA, I'm not buying your game when it comes out. In fact, it just plummeted down my list. My apologies to those who were waiting at the edge of their seats for my Dead Space 2 review. I refuse to buy into "momsploitation".
your mom is going to hate it... so go ahead and buy the game.
ReplyDeleteOK, they are advertising this to teenagers under the age of 17, you know... the ones who think their parents are the worse thing that has ever happened to them, but doesn't EA realize most of these kids do not have their own source on income?
Their "mom" has to buy this game for them... and what a great way to pursue the parents to buy this game by literary saying" YOU ARE GOING TO HATE IT!"
this advertising crew would have been fired on the spot if I was in charge of EA's advertising department.
it is disrespectful to families, Questions how profession EA is with their games, who EA thinks the game is for, and it does not creates any hype for the game, AT ALL. a complete failure
This is seriously straight out of the 90's advertising. The only difference is in the 90's it would have been a joke, actresses playing a stereotypical mother wagging her finger at the game... like Boogerman or something (whoa, throwback)... They wouldn't have actual shown violent and disturbing material to the women... Way to make yourself look like a monster EA